Global Certificate: ISO 9001: 2015
The Board of Maithan Alloys is responsible for corporate philosophy, establishing policies and objectives, and management of the organization’s resources. The Board of Directors has a strong commitment to the highest adherence to corporate philosophy and governance.
Mr. Subhas Chandra Agarwalla
Chairman and Managing Director
Expertise: Mr. Agarwalla is involved in project setups, corporate planning, business development and budgeting functions. His excellent communication and people management skills make him the visionary behind Maithan Alloys.
Mr. Subodh Agarwalla
Chief Executive Officer and Whole Time Director
Expertise:Excellent decision-making skills and ability to plan for the future apart from having rich and varied experience in production and logistics management of ferro alloys. He has strong understanding of Ferro Alloys manufacturing process and knowledge in several areas including man-management, corporate planning, finance and taxation.
Nand Kishore Agarwal
Independent Director
Expertise: Accounts, Finance and Tax Laws.
Naresh Kumar Jain
Independent Director
Expertise:Financial Management, Business Strategy, Project Planning and Implementation, Company Policies, Client Retention, Product Launch, Liaison with Government Authorities and other regulatory bodies.
Vivek Kaul
Non-Executive Director
Expertise: Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Development, industrial knowhow, application development.
Palghat Krishnan Venkatramani
Independent Director
Expertise: Banking with specialty in Industrial Finance and staff training, Foreign Exchange and Management Accountancy
Sonal Choubey
Independent Director
Expertise: Expertise: Financial Management, Audit, Accountancy and Corporate Law.
Srinivas Peddi
Non-Executive Director
Expertise:Operations & Maintenance of ferro alloy manufacturing electrical/electronic equipment and machineries; Liaisoning with Local Bodies and Government Departments.
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